Vinyl is an extremely versatile building material, and possesses a number of distinct characteristics that make it ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. Fences that are made out of vinyl therefore carry a unique set of pros and cons when compared to other types of fencing materials. Understanding what vinyl fences have to offer your yard can help you figure out if they are the right fit for your fencing needs.

Advantages of Vinyl Fencing

Customization: One of the main draws of vinyl fencing is the wide range of colors and textures that are available. Vinyl can be made in almost every color, allowing you to customize the aesthetic of your fence to match the rest of your yard or stand out very easily.  Furthermore, when combined with specific patterns and textures, vinyl can be made to resemble other materials, such as wood.

Low Maintenance: Furthermore, vinyl is an extremely low maintenance fencing material. It is not absorbent, like wood is, and as such is immune to water damage and does not need to be sealed regularly. In addition, vinyl is colored all the way through, not painted on the surface like metal fencing is, which means that it will not require paintjobs to maintain its appearance. In fact, the only real work that has to be done on vinyl fencing is general cleaning, which can be done with a pressure washer or hose.

Ease of Installation: Finally, vinyl is also an extremely lightweight material, which means that the installation process is much simpler and can be completed quickly. This can help save you money on labor and installation costs, and can also make repairs a more straightforward process.

Disadvantages of Vinyl Fencing

Cold Resistance: However, vinyl fences do not stand up well to cold temperatures. This is because vinyl becomes very brittle when it is cold, which can cause cracking and breaking to occur which will require sections of the fence being replaced entirely. This may not be an issue for milder or warm climates, but is something that should be taken into account for other homeowners.

Color Bleaching: Another consideration of vinyl fencing is the fact that excessive UV exposure can cause the color to gradually fade out of the fence. This can be offset by having the fence installed in a shaded area, or by choosing lighter colors, but should still form a part of your consideration. For more information, contact companies like Mills Fence.
